The Permanent

You are dependent on the water, you are dependent on light. How can you tell that you are not attached to the trees? We are deeply connected to all the others; that is the meaning of ecology. It is a system.Say I is simply absurd. You can’t be independent, you can not be completely independent. Then, how can you tell me? Look what ridiculous is the self. I’m not telling you to leave it, because, to begin with, it is not there, so I can not say that you leave only I can say: wake up! Keep you awake! I only I can shake you so that you can open your eyes and see that it is not there. It does lack consciousness; I teach not absence of ego, not so I’m not worried about your ego.

Never mind! It is a phenomenon of shadow; Why to worry? Instead, make yourself more aware and with more understanding. Continues to make you more aware and a day will come and tell me: now I am aware and I’ve been trying to find where is the ego, and I can’t find it. Very interesting what adds us Osho and reminds it us,, that there is no such I, only there is a body and body a mind trapped in a brain full of electrochemical activity. Then I’m a quantum of energy, that’s me. Believe in the concept that the I is the ego is falling into a falsehood, denying him self is vegetate in life. According to Piaget ego appears in childhood, and evolves over time.

Jung mentions that he or the idea of the self (since does not exist) belongs to the collective psychosis. And adds Jung self is the focal point of the conscience. The self is the bearer of our conscious awareness exist, as well as the permanent feeling of personal identity. It is the organizer that is conscious of our thoughts and intuitions, our feelings and sensations. He is the bearer of the personality. Ego arises from the self. The above mentioned because it is believed that the ego is the self, as if the ego mind and not a part of it, i.e. the I is different from ego indicates us, it has also considered the ego as something that is within us, controlling our lives, pushing us for us to show a good image. But also, when are usually altruistic and kind, or cult and wise and if it manifests itself, some say that man so full of ego makes it to appear. That we are well, and in this sense the ego is a source of creativity, clear that, since there are individuals who are engaged in a struggle to compete, or imitate each other and overcome that know more, that is more creative and when competition is heading in this direction get winning culture, science and technology in particular, should surprise us, inquire as our ego, is to determine if we really control it, has provided us and take the correct actions par to avoid that every time it builds on our I internal and affect us in our growth.