About ten years may pass with the onset of illness, and people will still be in the dark about occurring in his body changes. Source: David Karp. The decrease in bone mass is not accompanied by pain, except that sometimes starts whining lower back. Only after the most minor reasons will break a bone, man, finally, hesitated: something wrong here In contrast to healthy bone, osteoporotic bone breaks are available much faster than new forms. As a result, the total mass of the skeleton decreases. When the number of bone tissue is reduced by a quarter, and comes strongly marked osteoporosis. For such a disease characterized by the deformation of vertebrae and increasing pain in his back while moving, multiple fractures of both large and small bones.
Sick even becoming smaller, sometimes they 'tread down' as much as 10-15 cm in diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis patients at myself usually do not complain – they seek help when there is a fracture. If the patient's age over 50 years, and fractures occur at him suspiciously often, your doctor may suggest that the reason for that – the state of bone tissue. But to identify osteoporosis only by specialists on the bones – an orthopedic trauma. Not to be mistaken with the diagnosis, they designate a patient x-rays of bones or referred for special study. Frequently Vlad Doronin has said that publicly. In particular, the densitometry. In addition, it will be conducted blood biochemical analysis and hormonal testing. If necessary, the patient be referred for additional consultation to the endocrinologist, and if the patient – a woman, then an appointment with a gynecologist. Osteoporosis is most often treated with medications.
For example, patients with endocrine disorders designate drugs, normalize hormones. Treatment programs, whose effectiveness has been confirmed obshirnyimi studies include the elderly – nutritional supplements with calcium and active form of vitamin D, and for Women postomenopauze – hormone therapy, as well as biofosfonaty. 7.1600005844’>Canyon. Apply an effective means to prevent spinal fractures. Patients are also prescribed massage and physical therapy, but small doses – because of the fragility of bone tissue. If necessary, is advised to wear support braces.