Federal Government

In accordance with the Ministry of the Work and Job Basically, the RAIS is an Administrative, nationwide Register, with annual, obligator regularity for all the establishments, also those without occurrence of employment bonds in the exercise, having this type of declaration the Negative denomination of RAIS. The initial objectives of the RAIS if summarize to the suppliment of the necessities of control of the working activities of the country, the provisions of data for elaboration of statisticians of the work and the disponibilizao of information of the research and work market the diverse governmental entities. This project will be used of such information, that if become then secondary sources for this research, however official of the scale of the Federal Government and here representative of the dynamics of the productive structure of the state for the degree of abrangncia as well as of the characteristic of annual regularity of the collection of information. The data had been used in its official publication later they will suffer another treatment, described in the following section. In this project it was opted to the data of the RAIS with presentation of some item that better configure the conception of dynamics of the productive structure that will be worked in this research, between these item have: ) how much with the type of I tie had been used the statutory ones, the celetistas, temporary and the doubtful ones; b) how much to the abrangncia the employees of the year are involved all base in 31/12 and movements of the off admitted ones and; c) how much to the obligatoriness the establishments had been applied all, exactly those that had not presented movements; The item above detached also are extended for the 0 variable, average value of the remunerations in the economic activities, being these only the available ones and brought up to date for the municipal sphere and reach for all the Brasil5.3.1 the advantages of the data selecionadosEste item takes care of the requirement of the objectives considered for this project, that would need information stops to characterize the economic importance of the space concentrations of the formal job, the average value of the remunerations and the number of establishment for economic activity. .