Don’t Waste Your Time

We all have 24 hours in our day, however many of us complain constantly that no reaches us to perform our obligations and daily goals. But there are highly successful people who those 24 hours are more than enough and that their achievements are visible to everyone. What those it different from us? The correct management of its time. This is what we can be separating success; We must learn to eliminate all distractions, learn how to delegate and do not seek perfection in everything you do, finally eliminating all thief or enemy of our time, these innate tendencies of all human being and makes us failing when we want to dominate our time. Then the first step to begin to dominate your time is aware you of these trends and learn how to change them. Therefore, takes note of these keys which I want to share with you today: examine and change your habits: your time management not dependent on external factors, but only on you, so you have no excuses to justify you.

Usually the environment where you work is full of interruptions, but you must control these interruptions, you who decide if they affect you or not. Successfully manage your time and be better organized will give you more freedom to do what you want, the way you want so if your current habits interfere with your ability to dominate your time, change them already. Plan your activities: assumes an active role in the domain of your time planning your day: writes on a sheet of paper your long-term goals and then get a list of small short term goals that will allow you to meet your long-term goal. -Prioritizes your goals and objectives and creates a daily plan. Define your current situation and where you want to reach: carries a daily record of how these currently using your time. With this you can see where you have problems, once you detect them, working in them to eliminate habits or activities that steal your time.

-Write in detail your daily goals and sort them by priority. Give them a schedule and duration for each of them. With these keys you just give should identify the causes of the waste of your time. They may include: telephone interruptions, unforeseen situations, poor planning, disorganization, work overload, and many more, the list is long and these thieves of your time require strategies and tactics specific. Identify the problem and recognize these enemies of your time is the first step, what these waiting for? Begins already! Or will you stay watching as successful moves away from you, while you get lost under a pile of backlog and unfinished? Start now – keep track of your daily activities, do this at least for three days, and then parses because you’re moving away more and more of your success. Those outages that affect you and which are difficult to control – remember to change your situation depends only on you, so it is in your hands to achieve this mark with red color.