
Interventions in some patients regain some of the weight lost. No intervention gives a 100% success rate for all patients. Will I gain weight then? It may be instances, as is half gastrectomy (mechanical) to control what you eat but will not cure the other psychological aspects of the disease. Therefore, to avoid a failure after the surgery, you need the cooperation of the patient and adjust your lifestyle to new conditions that result from this speech, for which it is given a dietary program to meet their nutritional needs and vitamins. When it comes to weight balance, which can not be predicted beforehand, the body adjusts to the new intake and weight is maintained. What effects can be unpleasant? At first, if you insist on eating can cause vomiting. By eating continually cause a stretching of the stomach, and may even occur to loosen the clamps and a return to weight gain.

Interventions with ring, if you try to eat solids without chewing can cause problems. Interventions without ring, patients better tolerated the intake and do not suffer vomiting. You may feel pain in small incisions and abdominal muscles, especially deep breathing, coughing, and exertion. Take a pain reliever, according to the recommendations of your doctor. Aspirin or other pain medications may increase the chance of bleeding.

Be sure to take only the medications your doctor has recommended. Weight loss surgery such as gastrectomy can be emotionally difficult because you will be adjusting to new dietary habits and a body in the process of change. You may feel especially tired during the month following gastrectomy surgery. Exercise and attending meetings of a support group can be helpful at this time. Tell your doctor of any of the following conditions: fever or chills, redness, swelling or bleeding or other drainage from the incision increased pain around the incision. After gastrectomy surgery, it is likely that your physician may give you additional or alternate instructions, depending on your situation. What risks can have? The surgical risk is greatly reduced because you do not perform or bypass anastomosis. As with the introduction of a Gastric Band, you have less appetite, and when you eat, you will feel even more quickly sated. It is essential that you know when you are about to be filled, and immediately stop eating. Otherwise, your stomach will suffer a progressive alignment with receiving increased capacity, which partly invalidate the benefit of this technique, while contributing to the erosion of the stomach wall and possible complications. As in any surgical procedure, complications can occur, however the risks of this surgery gastrectomy are generally lower than the left untreated morbid obesity. Some possible complications include, among others, the following: pneumonia, blood clots, infections, bleeding ulcer One of the most serious complications of gastectomia is a stomach leak that can cause peritonitis. Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum, the smooth membrane that lines the abdominal cavity. There may be other risks depending upon your specific medical condition. Remember to discuss any concerns with your doctor before procedure. Obesity Institute led by Dr. Adelard Knight has the experience of dozens of successful interventions to their patients.