Julio Olalla

Is attributable to a punctual need, but it is convenient to reach part of the style of address of the person, applying it at all times in relations with its collaborators. Likewise suggests that the external Coaching: this method of training is that carried out by foreign agents external to the organization. It tries to boost the image directive not only within the Organization, but that it projects outside their four walls so that its scope is greater. This way the company will be known by the effectiveness of the managerial staff in charge, giving it a more human dimension. Benefits of a good Coaching management according the experience accumulated by the Coach Mexican Renato Gazmuri (2005), the benefits of a managerial Coaching process encompass the field of organizational, professional and personal (family). Some of the benefits that CITES Gazmuri: develops the skills and abilities and increases the conocimientos produces a high calidad improvement performance feedback and the productividad improves the behavior and attitude of the area increases learning capacity, in other words, learn to learn more rapido improvement the relationships between managers and improving the quality of life of all involucrados subordinados frees time Manager Coach produces more creative ideas possible barriers to managerial Coaching some of the potential barriers, real or not, drawn from the empirical experience, according to Gazmuri, explaining the rejection of some companies and / or managers not to apply and / or participate in a process of managerial Coaching are lack of timelack of resources and the pressures of short term for the achievement of the goals. Also the excuse that lack capacity and skill among executives of levels medium and low.

Fear of losing control and loss of power of the high administration, as well as the rigid traditional culture of each institution are other possible barrier to Coaching. For its part, Julio Olalla greater sums up that many, Coaching is resistance, which are usually due to three reasons: (1) demand for time, (2) induces the challenge faced with own feelings or fears and (3) generates redistribution of power. Essential elements for the success of managerial Coaching firstly having a Coach full, excellently prepared. Another prerequisite is that the client is eager to work with the Coach, with your help, extract and use all its potential; Accordingly, the Coaching process should be initiated only and exclusively if the client has the desire and the will to do it. Discipline in the development of the process (frequency, schedule, tasks), close communication between Coach and Coacheado, clear definition of objectives and indicators of achievements, a high degree of trust and confidentiality are important conditions during the process. Finally, the backrest of directors or confidence in the benefits of the method of Coaching and management to the Coacheados high provide the ideal framework for the success of all managerial Coaching.