Nature gives us lavishly large amount of ingredients for the manufacture of perfumes. Seeds, grains and seeds are used regularly in the formulation of some of the most successful perfumes in the market. On occasions, reviewing the list of raw materials used in the production of perfumes seem that we’re reviewing a recipe, because many ingredients that are used to give food taste and aroma are also used in the manufacture of perfumes and colognes. Such is the case of cardamom. It’s an herb that can reach up to 4 m in height, and of which only the seeds are used. Its origin lies in India, about 16 centuries ago. Newborn around 1200 this species was introduced to Europe.
Guatemala is the maximum world producer. But cardamom is used not only in the manufacture of perfumes, its uses are many. It is an excellent natural remedy for various digestive disorders, and thanks to its high concentration of terpineol, an oil, is also stimulating, why it is used regularly for the manufacture of energy drinks. Coriander is another herb used generalized as a condiment in cooking. Unlike the cardamom, the whole plant is used, although with greater assiduity the fresh leaves and the dried seeds are used.
It is the soul of the Curry seasoning in popular use in the India. Like cardamom, it also has healing properties for stomach disorders and is stimulating. Cumin is also part of the usual ingredients in perfumes and colognes. Its origin can be located in the Mediterranean Sea. It has healing and sedative properties. Its spicy flavor and its sweet smell are characteristic, and therefore used in many traditional recipes of the Spanish Southeast. Fenugreek is another plant whose use dates back to Egyptian times. By its characteristic odour was used in embalming processes. Virtually all the major civilizations of antiquity knew this unique plant. Its culinary use is widespread, especially in the Indian cuisine. The bean Tonka is the seed of a tree, typical of the Central American area. Its dimensions are enormous: from 3 to 4 cm long. It is widely used as a substitute for the vanilla, and very popular in the preparation of perfumes and colognes. The resin can be extracted from grains is extremely concentrated. Formerly it was used in the preparation of tonics, although this last employment has fallen into disuse since it can become toxic when you consume it. Original author and source of the article