Tomas Navarro Tomas

Tomas NAVARRO TOMAS (1884-1979) his charged twenty-five years of experience, fertilized with the teachings of the poor, rough and difficult life, have matured his manly figure and his soul of pastor, poet and militiaman. Feel the tragedy of Spain, the sacrifice of the people and the Mission of the youth with depth and breadth. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Francisco D’Agostino. It serves his people as a poet and as a soldier. His spirit, on a pure ideal of Justice and freedom, poured generously in his poetic compositions and in his military life dignity of tone, rhythm and the concept, they relive epic ballad resonances in their lips in many passages. The prologue to the people (1937) wind. Miguel Hernandez, poet farmer in the trenches, by T. Navarro Tomas. THE voice of a great PHILOLOGIST Tomas Navarro Tomas, belonging to the first class or first generation of disciples of Ramon Menendez Pidal, along with Damaso Alonso, Federico de Onis y Vicente Garcia de Diego, is not strictly literary critic, but his studies of pronunciation, intonation, and metric have contributed in many ways to illuminate the difficult technical problems in the analysis of the poetry.

Its Spanish metric. Historical and descriptive review (1956), is a seminal work on versification. A compendium of the same was published with the title art of verse (1959), a book whose apparent modesty, very typical of its author, must not hide their usefulness. Tomas Navarro Tomas philologist born in the Roda, Albacete, on April 12, 1884 and died in Northampton, Massachusetts, on September 16, 1979. He attended primary school and the first years of high school in his hometown, then continued his studies at Villena. He studied philosophy and letters in the University of Valencia and the Central University of Madrid, where he was student of Menendez Pidal and that doctorate in romance Philology in 1908. It oposito to the optional body of archivists, librarians and archaeologists and took position of its Plaza in avila in January 1910, and months later, in the national historical archives in Madrid.

Liberal Party

During the first formed educationally to the rising bourgeois class, from the thought of Gabino Barreda (1818-1881). In the second phase, this new social class seeks to apply the principles of their training in various social sectors; among them, the politician. In this phase the positivism has an active role in Mexican politics, represented by scientists during the Government of Porfirio Diaz. In 1867 Mexico was devastated after having first faced in 1848 to United States, then to a French intervention. On September 16, 1867 Gabino Barreda gave civic prayer, where he interprets the story from positivist bases in Guanajuato. Education is the foundation of a society that gives people a unique cultural base, calling Barreda for Barreda common fund of truths, to organize a free and ordered society that would lead towards progress. Education then Barreda is an activity whose effects are projected in the social field, so that only a society could build to order from a common agreement, thus overcoming the years of civil strife that had passed through the country.

Barreda believed that education less than cannot at the same time a spring inexhaustible satisfaction, the safest, preliminary peace and social order, because he will put all citizens attitude of appreciating all the facts in a similar way, and by the same uniformara the views that as far as possible. Positivist education driven by Gabino Barreda will form a new social class, which will create the Partido del Progreso, loosening of the Liberal Party, which until then had moved. This party spread its positivist ideals through a newspaper called La Libertad, which was published until 1884. The newspaper ceased publication because the majority of its authors left academic life to deal with politics, going directly to the Cabinet of Porfirio Diaz during the presidential period from 1885 to 1888. It is named these intellectuals of scientists, thus making allusion to philosophical current, said to be attached.


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