When the program is launched, a window with the possibility of application of data entry appears. This application option is enabled and the datasheet Editor opens. Looks like an ordinary spreadsheet worksheet this worksheet is equipped with a menu bar and a toolbar On this worksheet, the data view panel and the control panel variable view located at the bottom. First, the variable view clicked on with the mouse, and the encoding scheme of the questionnaire is entered in the sheet that appears. Following steps are guided by a.) Name column with the heading”Edit: in the first box of the first line of code for the numbering of the questionnaire is entered (id). In the next box below are the respective codes of the individual questions of the questionnaire (see encoding scheme above). Any line starting with row 2 is used for the code of a question of the questionnaire.
Use the arrow keys or the Return button accept an input and enters a next box. The system automatically populates the fields from column 2 with preset values as soon as you have entered the codes in column 1 and in a next box jumps. (b).) “Fields starting from column 2 (in particular with heading variable label”, value label”and measure level” 8) modify line by line / define: column variable label “: in the boxes in this column the column 1 code are described in more detail each line and captured the meaning of the code. “For example, for the code id” questionnaire ID or code for sex “sex entered. Column value labels”: Here you can assign codes for nominal or ordinal values of the characteristics of individual questions. For example the code 2 to the value male “and female for the value the code 1″ (no details”= 0) are registered. One question with nominal or ordinal to click in a row, Characteristic values has, on its box in the column of value labels”.