Electric mowers electric lawn mower is the ideal tool dedicated to the care of a relatively small lawns. Working characteristics of this instrument ensures excellent performance and can handle any kind of herbal pokrova.Dostoinstva electric lawn mowers – low noise – low weight – less Electric lawn mowers razmerNedostatki – low mobility (the radius of gazonokosilkiogranichen cable length) – there is a risk of electric shock (mowing in wet conditions, damage to the cord and etc.) – may be overheating components and mechanisms of the unit during prolonged use (this affects the duration of the operation of the tool) How to choose an electric lawnmower – if you lawn has an area of 100 square meters, the purchase of a powerful unit capable of processing up to 1000 "square" is simply impractical, as would lead to unnecessary cost – look for housing lawn mowers, from which it is made. Most robust housing made of steel, the lightest of the plastic, and ideal structural material is aluminum, because it combines the strength of steel and not subject to corrosion – evaluate the ergonomics of Control knobs and lawn mowers. Comfortable grip facilitate the operation and save you from excessive physical activity – selecting an electric lawn mower, make sure the availability of energy source (no electricity in your area is a strong argument in favor of vyboragazonokosilki with gasoline) petrol lawn mowers lawn mower with a petrol engine is the ideal tool for maintenance large lawns with any relief. The presence in the construction of its own tank of fuel increases endurance and gives you greater freedom of action. The advantages of petrol lawn mowers – a powerful engine (Allowing the treated area of any size) – High flexibility instrument (a complex topography of the soil does not affect performance mower) – good mobility and a long operating cycle Disadvantages gasoline lawn mowers – a high noise level, as well as toxic waste released into the atmosphere – petrol lawn mowers require a different approach to organizing a system of quick engine start, which complicates structure and affect the final cost to the buyer instrumenta.Obschie recommendations: – lawn mower with a four-stroke engine is more expensive but more economical (you save on expensive fuel) – do not skimp on "Self-propelled" mechanism (petrol lawnmowers are very massive, and lack of drive wheels on the trolley will complicate your work) – if your terrain with irregularities that impede the movement of lawnmowers, then select it with great diameter of the rear wheel pair – if you have a lawn with a complex shape, then take the model with front-wheel drive, not rear, as it is more maneuverable – look at the knives lawnmower. Choose the model, in which no special effort, you can replace the cutting tool or a model with replaceable blades (their installation will not break balancing drum mower) – Pick a model with a maximum width of the cutting (the larger the width mowing the lawn is processed more quickly, thus reducing fuel consumption and wear parts and components of lawn mowers). So make your choice and enjoy the lawn, not only when lying down or playing on it, but when caring for nim.U us you can choose and buy your best lawn mower or electric trimmers and gasoline from reputable manufacturers. Book online or go through to our shop Bratislava.