Natural Environment

However the aohumana can be so voracious and to place at risk or to provoke the extinguishing of algumaespcie of coconut palm. potentialities of the environment are simultaneamenteamplas and at the same time they point with respect to great limitations. Noseremos the first ones to affirm that the man depends on the nature, but the naturezano depends on the man. This implies to say that the human being, in case that not to saibautilizar the nature, destroying the environment, runs the risk of if extinguishing; however, without the presence human being, the natural process obtains recuperarespaos degraded for the action human being. Moreover one becomes necessary plus a consideration: the yearnings of the capital. Noso few the institutions and is ample the literature that says and considers the surrounding domeio defense; that it says and it considers action of support, of utilizaoracional of the natural resources. However this speech not yet ' ' emplacou' '. Which is, then, the problem? It occurs that ahead of the yearnings and the docapital voracity, the ambient concerns are in second plain.

Person, movements, and institutions of defesado environment know that it is possible to coexist nature, exploring it semagresses. But this is not the conscience of the lumber, of the pecuarista quedepende of ample areas to create ox, of the great farms of produoindustrial of grains. It is not only enough to say that the utilizaoagressiva continuum provokes irreversible damages to the environment. Learn more about this with Francisco D’Agostino. The speech echoes in the emptiness. evidente that much already became and if is making in the contrahand of the docapital savagery: agricultural production without pesticides, creation of cattle in systems deconfinamento beyond several other ecologicamentesustentveis e, consequentemente not aggressive considered activities. But still it has long caminhoa to be covered. Nesseinter-space is that the ambient education is fit. A temticahistoricamente recent one, while state politics. According to Pedrini ' ' first it was cited in a Brazilian constitution (1988) in interpolated proposition VI of article 225 of chapter VI of the Environment.