Now if the electoral guerrita by municipal Chair and Chair of Pizarro has already begun. In this war in which all the opponents have oxtail straw and glass roof; they are ready to make any of them give free rein to their corrupt appetites. All absolutely, all and in various sizes, have some corrupt. And we voters, have unfortunately, for the sake of an attitude civic, choose one of them. This civic attitude that is a euphemism, makes us put us under an obligation to choose the lesser evil. That is the least corrupt. Castaneda with Comunicore, Lourdes with Catano, Kouri with Montesinos, and others with God knows what flown, they are same or similar in different measures.
Last night the weight of corruption hiso collapse the podium of keiko Fujimori in Piura. Thank God there were no human loss that regret. It should be careful from now on to attend demonstrations by other candidates, because another tabladillo may fall. I guess the manifestations of Kouri, that is the most corrupt of all. Jaime all dandy, last night began his program by throwing flowers into Monica Delta. He also spoke of the podium from Keiko that fell in Piura, saying that thank God nothing happened to the daughter of Fujimori.
He returned to pronounce itself on the Comunicore scandal. He said: Is comunicore very well with Castaneda to make pay them. In a single day was led 6 million dollars in cash, using other people, in 2006 Jaime insists in a real and true, that Castaneda had to pay the debt directly to Relima and not Comunicore. It is impossible that Castaneda has not heard anything. Jaime continued its programme talking Raul Romero and Gisela Valcarcel. But the truth is that all this is a strategy for a little rise of televission for channel four, which is a little low in this regard.