Interior Users

In Internet many of their users have problems at the time of detecting uncertain pages Web and possible swindles by Internet, esteem that 50% of the users own serious lagoons as far as norms of security in Internet, the Spanish Civil Guard have realised a test of safe navigation, which was proposed by the National Police in its page of Tuenti ” Plan With you ” to his almost 50,000 users. The spokesman of the Civil Guard I communicate Europe Press that almost half of the users who participated in the test tapeworm ” lagunas” in subjects of security in Internet, although they made a test that he looked for to be simplest possible for the internauts. ” test With you ” it owns eight quite simple and pleasant questions they have described since them since they were elaborated by specialists in Internet and they try to obntener of a fast way an evaluation on the users according to has explained the Main directorate of the Police and the Civil Guard. The way to accede to this test is entering in and anyone can accede to try on to itself and to help to consider knowledge of the users and to perhaps learn a little security online. Within the eight questions situations can be detected to which any young person in Internet can be found and the three test offers posibiliades to choose one that is the correct one, these questions estan related to social networks and like handling personal information, photos like even handling before swindles online and some against ciber harassment, like using banking keys, acting against the infantile pornography, subjects of security and privacy online. Anyway the page of the National Police and the Civil Guard contain information, advice and videos of interest for the security of the young internauts: ” cyberbullying” , the drugs, social integration, the equality of sort, the road security, the harassment, the threats and the swindles, besides offering ” Test With you ” Soon this ” Plan With you ” that it is a channel that allows to the users through the direction to realise consultations and to solve the doubts that they have on computer security, if they need aid in some case in particular can be gone to that direction. Also they have informed that a 75% of the consultations are on ” cyberbullying” , scholastic 15% on harassment, a 10% on traffic, drug consumption and forces of security and a 5% to request advice by violence in the familiar scope. This platform was beginning by the Department of the Interior the past 4 of November. Form leaves from ” Plan Director for the Improvement of the Coexistence and the Escolar” Security; , that it began in 2007, with the aim of fighting against the violence in the scholastic surroundings, and with special attention to the harassment, the use of Internet and the drug consumption.

Santa Maria Novella Language

In addition it studied the Italian vernacular language, the Latin (the frank language of that time), the Proven1cal one, and in fact it inserted some verses in this language in the Purgatorio. It is necessary to indicate that in the Average Age the fall of the Roman Empire left a dozen of small States, so that Sicily was remote cultural and politically of Tuscan, as this one were it of Wins: the regions did not share the same language nor the same culture and the mass media were difficult. When she was 9 years old found Beatriz Portinari, daughter of Folco Portinari, with which one fell in love at first sight, and apparently without still to have spoken to him. Frequently saw it after the 18 years, often interchanged greetings in the street, but never he himself with effectiveness got to know it proposed the example for the supposed courteous Love well. It is difficult to understand what this love included/understood in fact, but something extremely important for the Italian culture it happened. It was in the name of this love that Dante gave to its impression to the stil Dolce nuovo that would influence to writers and poets to discover the subject of the Love, that before so it had never been accentuated. The love by Beatriz, apparently, was the reason of its poetry and its life, along with its political passions.

When Beatriz died in 1290, Dante tried to find a refuge in Latin Literature. Then it was dedicated to philosophical studies in religious schools, like Santa Maria Novella. This excessive passion by the philosophy would be criticized later by the personage of Beatriz in the Purgatorio, the second book of the Divine Comedy. Wikipedia remembers to us, that Of Vulgari Eloquentia (Eloquence in the vernacular language) is the title of a test of Dante Alighieri, written in Latin and initially it wanted to consist of four books, but Dante aborted the idea after the second.


When our life is in then harmony we are ready to realise wonderful changes of life, it is necessary that all our being is oriented with our desires, that will allow us to reach the appropriate energy level so that the goals become a reality. You must make use all senses in direction of his desire, is necessary to speak, to listen, to feel, to think and to observe to obtain a wonderful synergy that it allows to a high degree of motivation and that him will turn into magnificent actions that will cause great results. In the book I AM HAPPY, I AM RICO of ANDREW CORENTT you you will discover great secrets that will allow abrir their mind him to the abundance and to discover the great power that is in its interior, when doing use of their true then faculties a life of success in all the areas of their life will arrive. A point to begin with important to turn our goal into irresistible is to have an enormous desire to obtain that goal that we are defining, that desire must be translated in actions, thoughts and feelings associated with the materialization of the goal as the secret of the power of the goals mentions Andrew Corentt in its book. In this book you will learn you form appropriate to solve to the internal conflicts that they prevent him to achieve his objectives, then you you will act as if you were in autopilot. The law of the attention makes reference that one in which we focused with much energy will grow in our life, for that reason is important to focus attention on our result, to think day and night about our change, to constantly see events, activities, people and circumstances associated to our goal, to read and to think continuously about that great intention that we have drawn up, of that way we will unfold an enormous energy, able to realise unimaginable efforts because our idea will be recorded in our subconscious mind.

Michael Fassbender

The film the Games of the Hunger arrives with a new image. In that we can respectively see Lenny Kravitz and Jennifer Lawrence in its respective papers of Cinna and Katniss. The list of films directed by Gary Ross is completed with names like Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Banks, Wes Bentley, Toby Jones, Alexander Ludwig, Isabelle Fuhrman, Amandla Stenberg, Stanley Tucci and Donald Sutherland. The Games of the Hunger are released in Spain next the 20 of April. Moment at which we could be pressing the walking of the first delivery of the saga. Now under the direction of Gary Ross.

Jennifer Lawrence is to the front of one of its personages of more impact. We will see it after the acclaimed Winters Bone, without forgetting his more than safe presence in the sequel X-MEN: First Generation, also with James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender like Professor X and Magneto respectively. The argument of the Games of the Hunger appears thus: Every year in the ruins than it was once North America, the nation of Panem forces to each of his twelve districts a to send to a boy and a girl, adolescents, to compete in the games of the hunger. Partly it is a searched carefully entertainment and partly it is tactics of intimidation on the part of the government. The games of the hunger are a televised event nationally in which " " Tributos" " they must fight among them until only being a survivor. Faced the good trained " Tributos" who take all the life preparing itself for these games, Katniss is forced to resort to its acute instincts, as well as to the position of a guardian of Haymitch Abernathy, old champion, and now spoiled and borrachn. If it wants to return to house in District 12, Katniss will have to make impossible decisions in the Sand that heft the survival against the humanity and the life against the love. The article explains that the producers of the industry elevated their complaints to the legislators since they considered that their income were handicapped due to the piracy.

The Senate showed its preoccupation due to the implicancias that a failure would have his in the scope of the culture and Swiss creativity and came to make a study that reflected the present situation of the industry in this country. The conclusion of the Swiss government was that the cost inverted in the consumption to lower films, to lower music, to lower to games online and others stayed constant. According to the data thrown by the study, although people stopped spending in certain resources, as the purchase of CDs or DVDs, to that reinverted it money in the same industry through entrances of cinema, attendance to concerts and souvenirs, among others. Therefore, she considered herself that the copyright law does not have to be modified in Swiss territory and was urged to the producing companies to adapt to the changing conduct of the consumers. According to the failure, the fear to that the technological development can hit of negative way in the cultural production lacks foundations.