Profitable Business Advice

If you have already read all the clever books are able to speculate on abstruse topics, every day doing spiritual practitioners, and believe that already achieved a lot, try to create their own, well at least very small but profitable business. We can also simplify the task. Let the profit will be equal to $ 100. per month. Easy? Did you check out. But you all know, in all are good, so here you should have no difficulty. I must say that the more you read smart books, the less likely that you have something happen. Why? Because you overestimate its ability.

You think you know it and here it is, can this and that. But this is only the assumption of illusion and fantasy, nothing more. That is, the more you know, but do not do anything, the more you fly away in an illusory world. And the greater will be your disappointing yourself, when you start doing something. But if you do not start, it's probably even worse.

Creation and maintenance of his favorite things we can not even compare to reading books, training courses and seminars and so on. This all fun and exercise is really my favorite thing – a true and real life. The man who begins to build his case, like the tiger, who lives in the wild. Needed here and intuition and will power, and strong character and dedication, bravery, in the end. And what you need for a tiger in a zoo? Only to please the audience (the bosses) and get a day his food (salary). And nothing more. No trials, no development, no movement forward.

Mexico End Of Magic

The reforms, the tax package as well as their criticism and their counter-proposals, only speak of overcoming the crisis and reduce poverty (the country and the large majorities), but avoids mentioning that the only way to achieve a status of wealth and well-being is working. A sad story, before addressing the issue. A seller of crabs offered them in two different baskets: the first hermetically sealed and the second completely open, the question about the difference seller answered; in the first I have Canadian crabs that support each other to get out of the basket, but in the second, facing Mexican crabs when one of them manages to climb the walls of the basket, others jalan so it is unnecessary to cover them. In societies that respect the success (especially those of Saxon/Protestant origin which associated it with honest work), the predominant culture also tends to respect legality, at least apparently, and as a result the prevalence of successful citizen, is accepted as socially positive and beneficial for the whole community, in other words an icon to be emulated. In our society, the success is associated with illegitimacy (SIN); This is especially clear in terms of economic success, since the frustration of not achieving translates into suspicious of media used by others, for their achievement and a feeling that legality is not respected nor respectable, since it allows others to have what one does not have. Our purpose is not to delve sobe historical and cultural backgrounds of our ambivalence against success, but it seems appropriate to mention that the Hispanic/Catholic tradition, leads to think that wealth and power are granted (by God, the King, the President etc.) and consequently work is not necessarily associated with success. Power and wealth are views, not to be objectionable, as a kind of resource management, of unknown origin, to benefit others in free and discretionary way (while the subject who judges be benefited), constituting a species of cascade of authoritarian grandeur process. .


Some orphans were educated by feminine religious orders, that had the intention to preserve them of any vice and the bad way. The girls children of the privileged elites had beyond the basic slight knowledge of the reading and the writing, Frenchman and piano lessons that they were given in its proper houses for particular teachers or in religious schools. They were also added to its education ' ' abilities with the needle, the embroiderings, the culinrias incomes, abilities, as well as the abilities of control of the servants and serviais' ' (BLOND, 2004, P. 446), making all this apparatus it has left of the education of the young women of the high society. The conception of the society of the time was of that ' ' women would have more to be educated of what instrudas' ' , she has seen, them would not need knowledge or information, but yes of moral formation and good principles, since its destination was of wife, the mother and owner of house, being its social attribute of educator of the children, or better, of responsible for the formation of worthy citizens. According to Parrot (2004), this can be perceived in the first law of public instruction of Brazil, of 1827, cited for Lopes (1991, p.4): The women lack more than instruction in such a way, inasmuch as they are who they give the first education to its children, Are they who make the good and bad men; they are the origins of the great clutters, as of the great goods; the men mold its behavior to the feelings of them. Century XIX together with brought the modernization of the society and it necessity of an education for the women, associating itself the work with the order and the progress and the modernization of the society with the construction of the citizenship of the young. .