Liberal Party

During the first formed educationally to the rising bourgeois class, from the thought of Gabino Barreda (1818-1881). In the second phase, this new social class seeks to apply the principles of their training in various social sectors; among them, the politician. In this phase the positivism has an active role in Mexican politics, represented by scientists during the Government of Porfirio Diaz. In 1867 Mexico was devastated after having first faced in 1848 to United States, then to a French intervention. On September 16, 1867 Gabino Barreda gave civic prayer, where he interprets the story from positivist bases in Guanajuato. Education is the foundation of a society that gives people a unique cultural base, calling Barreda for Barreda common fund of truths, to organize a free and ordered society that would lead towards progress. Education then Barreda is an activity whose effects are projected in the social field, so that only a society could build to order from a common agreement, thus overcoming the years of civil strife that had passed through the country.

Barreda believed that education less than cannot at the same time a spring inexhaustible satisfaction, the safest, preliminary peace and social order, because he will put all citizens attitude of appreciating all the facts in a similar way, and by the same uniformara the views that as far as possible. Positivist education driven by Gabino Barreda will form a new social class, which will create the Partido del Progreso, loosening of the Liberal Party, which until then had moved. This party spread its positivist ideals through a newspaper called La Libertad, which was published until 1884. The newspaper ceased publication because the majority of its authors left academic life to deal with politics, going directly to the Cabinet of Porfirio Diaz during the presidential period from 1885 to 1888. It is named these intellectuals of scientists, thus making allusion to philosophical current, said to be attached.


Coaching, is taken by a person having as we talked sometimes, knowledge to treat the topics in which he has specialized, however, there are differences between what a coach and a mentor, in what each provides and where the limits, your help or far becomes involved with the person who asks for his help. Although it may seem the same, there are simply differences that make us see that they have to be seen in a different way and also, expect certain things from each. Because although they are both people who try to help us succeed in our goals, each works differently, a coach with a system or strategy, a mentor with experience, without having a fixed method, because it is not a person who specializes in helping their parents, rather, it is a person who transmits a knowledge without any implication that he knows how to do it, which engage with the person that motivates or if you do, you can do so without trying to understand human behavior or work with the personality of the person. Such details are those that differentiate a coach and a mentor, if you want to know more, I invite you to my blog for personal where you will find the rest of the article: differences between coach and mentor..

Gisela Valcarcel

Now if the electoral guerrita by municipal Chair and Chair of Pizarro has already begun. In this war in which all the opponents have oxtail straw and glass roof; they are ready to make any of them give free rein to their corrupt appetites. All absolutely, all and in various sizes, have some corrupt. And we voters, have unfortunately, for the sake of an attitude civic, choose one of them. This civic attitude that is a euphemism, makes us put us under an obligation to choose the lesser evil. That is the least corrupt. Castaneda with Comunicore, Lourdes with Catano, Kouri with Montesinos, and others with God knows what flown, they are same or similar in different measures.

Last night the weight of corruption hiso collapse the podium of keiko Fujimori in Piura. Thank God there were no human loss that regret. It should be careful from now on to attend demonstrations by other candidates, because another tabladillo may fall. I guess the manifestations of Kouri, that is the most corrupt of all. Jaime all dandy, last night began his program by throwing flowers into Monica Delta. He also spoke of the podium from Keiko that fell in Piura, saying that thank God nothing happened to the daughter of Fujimori.

He returned to pronounce itself on the Comunicore scandal. He said: Is comunicore very well with Castaneda to make pay them. In a single day was led 6 million dollars in cash, using other people, in 2006 Jaime insists in a real and true, that Castaneda had to pay the debt directly to Relima and not Comunicore. It is impossible that Castaneda has not heard anything. Jaime continued its programme talking Raul Romero and Gisela Valcarcel. But the truth is that all this is a strategy for a little rise of televission for channel four, which is a little low in this regard.


When our life is in then harmony we are ready to realise wonderful changes of life, it is necessary that all our being is oriented with our desires, that will allow us to reach the appropriate energy level so that the goals become a reality. You must make use all senses in direction of his desire, is necessary to speak, to listen, to feel, to think and to observe to obtain a wonderful synergy that it allows to a high degree of motivation and that him will turn into magnificent actions that will cause great results. In the book I AM HAPPY, I AM RICO of ANDREW CORENTT you you will discover great secrets that will allow abrir their mind him to the abundance and to discover the great power that is in its interior, when doing use of their true then faculties a life of success in all the areas of their life will arrive. A point to begin with important to turn our goal into irresistible is to have an enormous desire to obtain that goal that we are defining, that desire must be translated in actions, thoughts and feelings associated with the materialization of the goal as the secret of the power of the goals mentions Andrew Corentt in its book. In this book you will learn you form appropriate to solve to the internal conflicts that they prevent him to achieve his objectives, then you you will act as if you were in autopilot. The law of the attention makes reference that one in which we focused with much energy will grow in our life, for that reason is important to focus attention on our result, to think day and night about our change, to constantly see events, activities, people and circumstances associated to our goal, to read and to think continuously about that great intention that we have drawn up, of that way we will unfold an enormous energy, able to realise unimaginable efforts because our idea will be recorded in our subconscious mind.

Ronald Paul Hill

Antecedents reliable behavior, factors that influence the election of the equity and marks takes little time to visualize images and to enter in the memory and in centers of reward of the brain. Beyond the academic research, a number of university programs of neurocincia, including those that are in are interaction with companies of private consultoria to make the inquiry applied for the great organizations. They are more than 90 companies of private consultoria operating in neuromarketing currently in the United States, as well as in an increasing number of other countries. The media has sensacionalizado many of these inquiries, alleging that the marqueteiros always find ' ' the button to buy in the brain of clientes' ' as result, the use of neurocincia in the commercialization in such a way has defenders and critics. Lawyers they consider that the combination will allow that to the consumers and salesmen to understand better the products that are desired – to a victory/victory for both the parts. Critics alert that the capacity of the consumers to make a logical reasoning, to take decisions informed on purchases will be compromised. Either a lawyer or a critic, many believes that the methods of the neuroimagem will bring significant changes to the marketing of persuasion.

As well as he has forty years, when an only filled computer an entire room and its users waited that the reader did not chew the cards, today the FMRI machine is great, expensive, barulhentas, but it is easy to foresee them, and other technologies of neuroimagem will be developed quickly in powerful portable machines. In the same way, at this moment, the conclusions taken off from the correlation between the cerebral sanguine flow and functions must be faced with caution. Its interpretation requires an affective or cognitiva linking to the reply of neural activity e, in followed, the neural activity a significant reply with the amount of blood taken to a region of the brain. Although, the neurocientistas have made significant advances in the neural activity with the linking to the blood as reply, still it has very to be learned on the relation enters a task related with thought or emotion and neuronal activity. However, it seems probable that the new technologies will allow to neurocincia and commercialization to the investigators better to understand the paper of the emotions in the decision taking, to develop more efficient methods to unchain these emotions, in order to construct to a bigger confidence and allegiance to the mark, to measure the intensity that an individual likes and hates, and, in general, to be persuasivos the marqueteiros. The models of commercialization of persuasion in part II of this Arrigo, will supply a picture to think on the changes that the advanced technologies of the neuroimagem can bring. REFERENCE Journal of Consumer Affairs, Fall, for R. Mark Wilson, Jeannie Gaines, Ronald Paul Hill, 2008.