Natural Resources Consumption

Designer next to company must prevent the extreme consuming of natural resources, in general particular the explored ones for mining. It must also prevent the resultant residues of the process of manufacture for indifference in the stages of planning, stage this where it is necessary to think the use of the product, its discarding mainly as for the extreme production of packings (CASAGRANDE, 2004). Conclusion designer possesss the ability and capacity technique of the visual construction, if being valid psychology, cognition, linguistics, semiotics among others resources interdisciplinares to promote the communication visual. But if it makes necessary to think beyond the tecnicidade, to reflect stops beyond the marketing coercion that even so some companies think about support, still has a long way of radical changes in the disruption of dominant consumista thought, the globalization. We must think about the importance of the visual alfabetizao as resource, that is, the capacity of clarity of the visual communication not only of matrix aesthetic, but functional so that if it creates a change of behavior and quality of life. ' ' The importance of this so simple fact comes excessively being neglected for long time.

Visual intelligence increases the effect of intelligence human being, extends the creative spirit. One is not only about a necessity, but, happily, of a promise of human enrichment for futuro' ' (DONDIS, 2007 p.231). Visual, proportionate intelligence for a correct visual communication on the part of designer, takes the society to evolve, if to become capable to act with social and sustainable responsibility. It is also necessary to be creative, to come innovative solutions. creative people had made this recombining what already it exists, without waiting for partner-economic changes. ' ' People who, of colaborativa form, it invents, it improves and manage innovative solutions for new ways of vida' ' (MERONI, 2007 apud MANZINI, 2008 p.64) designer, as a visual communicator, has in its hands the power to influence the society.

BH Shopping Water

For the second stage the widening of the tree-lined avenue and the creation of estacionamentos are foreseen, track of cooper and square of sports. It is suggested that the actions are immediately necessary and already initiatives of the most diverse sources are perceived, also for initiative of inhabitants, considering the gravity of the situation. In the measure where the occupation in the surrounding region still is absolutely increasing, it does not have as not to worry and to consider measured for eventual situations that can happen in this area. 5.2. Contamination of the ground In the region of Belvedere III, was kept a called square Square of the Dry Lagoon that, in function of the rainfall, stores water.

However, Blacksmith (2003, apud AMORIM, 2007), also places that the implantation of the Belvedere quarter determined the contamination of Dry Lagoon (Figure 4) e, consequently, of the basin of the Cercadinho, therefore this receives all the deriving pluvial water from the quarter Belvedere III and the BH Shopping. Amorim (2007) understands that the area plays important role in the captation and accumulation of the water, preventing the flood occurrence in the quarter. All the pluvial water of the quarter, also of the BH Shopping, is drained for the Lagoon and from there it passes to the Stream of the Cercadinho. Had to this subject to flooding characteristic, the place is considered undivided, inserted area in the zoning of the Managing Plan (Law n 7166/96) as ZPAM, Zone of Ambient Protection (Belo Horizonte, 1996). However, the area remains under private domain, what, for the author, the subject area leaves the occupation, therefore for being private area, takes care of to the foreseen constructive parameters for ZP1 (Zone of protection 1). However, the pollution that penetrates the ground by means of the launched pluvial water infiltration in the Stream of the Cercadinho characterizes serious an ambient infraction and of serious consequences in the quality of the water and the ground.

Nondestructive Methods

SPECIES SPAD Prunus Lusitanica Samples 1 measurement 2 measurement 3 measurement 4 measurement 6 54,7 62,6 54,7 62,2 Arbutus Unedo (medronheiro) Samples 1 measurement 2 measurement 3 measurement 4 measurement 6 51,5 44,5 47,6 44,3 Acacia Melanoxylan R. BR Samples 1 measurement 2 measurement 3 measurement 4 measurement 6 52,5 58,0 56,6 57,8 Pittosporum Samples 1 measurement 2 measurement 3 measurement 4 measurement 6 48,8 48 49 50,2 the loss of clorofila is the preferential and more easy characteristic of being evaluated to describe the amarelecimento of leves in senescncia and changes of color of fruits in matureness (Matile and Hrtensteiner, 1999, Hrtensteiner, 2006). Moreover, the change of color of the rind of some fruits occurs due to the accumulation of carotenides and antocianinas in the epidermis (Olmo et al., 2000; Agati et al., 2005). The technique of the fluorescence of clorofila was used by Lai et al. (2007) to analyze main metabolic the secondary ones produced in the epidermis of tomatoe fruits during the matureness, that had verified marcante change in the standard of pigment composition, with gradual degradation of clorofila and increase of the concentration of carotenides until the phase of complete maturation. Conclusion The species Prunus Lusitanica presented greater text of clorofila in all the measurements. Bibliography Baker, N.R. (2008) Chlorophyll fluorescence: Probe of photosynthesis in alive.

Annu. To see. Plant Biol., 59:89 – 113. Hrtensteiner, S. (2006) Chlorophyll Degradation During Senescence. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol., 57:55 – 77.

Lai., Santangelo, E., Soressi, G.P., Fantoni, R. (2007) Analysis of the main secondary metabolites produced in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum, Mill.) epicarp tissue during fruit ripening using fluorescence techniques. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 43 (3): 335 342. Matile, P., Hrtensteiner, S. and Thomas, H. (1999) Chlorophyll degradation. Annual Review Plant Physiology, Molecular Plant Biology, 50:67 – 95. Olmo, M., You swim., Garci’a, J.M. (2000) Nondestructive Methods you the Evaluate Maturity Level of Oranges. Journal of Food Science, 65 (2): 365-369. Saquet, A.A., Streif, J. (2002) Chlorophyll fluorescence a predictive method will be detection of browning disorders in ' Conference' pears and ' Jonagold' apples during controlled atmosphere storage. Agricultural science. Saint Maria, 32 (4): 571-576. Taiz, L., Zeiger, E. (2004) vegetal Physiology. Santarm, E.R et al. (Trad.). 3 ed. Porto Alegre: Artimed, 643 P.

Natural Environment

However the aohumana can be so voracious and to place at risk or to provoke the extinguishing of algumaespcie of coconut palm. potentialities of the environment are simultaneamenteamplas and at the same time they point with respect to great limitations. Noseremos the first ones to affirm that the man depends on the nature, but the naturezano depends on the man. This implies to say that the human being, in case that not to saibautilizar the nature, destroying the environment, runs the risk of if extinguishing; however, without the presence human being, the natural process obtains recuperarespaos degraded for the action human being. Moreover one becomes necessary plus a consideration: the yearnings of the capital. Noso few the institutions and is ample the literature that says and considers the surrounding domeio defense; that it says and it considers action of support, of utilizaoracional of the natural resources. However this speech not yet ' ' emplacou' '. Which is, then, the problem? It occurs that ahead of the yearnings and the docapital voracity, the ambient concerns are in second plain.

Person, movements, and institutions of defesado environment know that it is possible to coexist nature, exploring it semagresses. But this is not the conscience of the lumber, of the pecuarista quedepende of ample areas to create ox, of the great farms of produoindustrial of grains. It is not only enough to say that the utilizaoagressiva continuum provokes irreversible damages to the environment. Learn more about this with Francisco D’Agostino. The speech echoes in the emptiness. evidente that much already became and if is making in the contrahand of the docapital savagery: agricultural production without pesticides, creation of cattle in systems deconfinamento beyond several other ecologicamentesustentveis e, consequentemente not aggressive considered activities. But still it has long caminhoa to be covered. Nesseinter-space is that the ambient education is fit. A temticahistoricamente recent one, while state politics. According to Pedrini ' ' first it was cited in a Brazilian constitution (1988) in interpolated proposition VI of article 225 of chapter VI of the Environment.


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